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The word document, within the sense of an unsurpassed quantified achievement , appeared, first in English and then in different languages, late within the 19th century, however the concept went again almost 200 years. Football is the world’s hottest ball recreation, however, wherever American financial and culture influence has been dominant, the attraction to baseball, basketball, and volleyball has tended to exceed that to football. Baseball, for instance, boomed in Cuba, where Nemesio Guilló launched the sport to his countrymen in 1863, and in Japan, where Horace Wilson, an American educator, taught it to his Japanese college students in 1873. Since basketball and volleyball had been both invented underneath the auspices of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association), it seemed affordable for YMCA employees to take the games to China, Japan, and the Philippines, where the video games took root early in the 20th century. It was, nevertheless, only in the post-World War II world t...